WP_Mock Test Case

WP_Mock comes with a base test case class that provides a number of useful methods for testing WordPress plugins and themes.

This class is located in the WP_Mock\Tools\TestCase namespace, and can be used by extending it in your test classes:

use WP_Mock\Tools\TestCase as TestCase;

final class MyTestCase extends TestCase
    // ...

WP_Mock TestCase extends PHPUnit own TestCase so all methods and assertions from the latter are available in the former.

On top of those, WP_Mock TestCase will include a collection of handy methods for helping you test your code.


Assert conditions met

The TestCase::assertConditionsMet() function will assert that the current test conditions have been met. This is useful when your test assertions are purely WP_Mock expectations, and you don't want to have to call Mockery::close() in your test, otherwise PHPUnit might raise a warning that no assertions were performed.

use WP_Mock\Tools\TestCase as TestCase;

final class MyTestCase extends TestCase
    public function testMyFunction() : void
        WP_Mock::userFunction('my_function', ['times' => 1]);

Assert equals HTML

The TestCase::assertEqualsHtml() function will evaluate a string as HTML and compare it to another string. This is useful when you want to compare HTML strings that may have different formatting, but are otherwise identical.

use WP_Mock\Tools\TestCase as TestCase;

final class MyTestCase extends TestCase
    public function testMyFunction() : void
        $this->assertEqualsHtml('<div>Test</div>', '<div>Test</div>');

Expect output string

The TestCase::expectOutputString() function will assert that the output of a function matches a given string. This is useful when you want to test the output of a function that echoes HTML.

use WP_Mock\Tools\TestCase as TestCase;

final class MyTestCase extends TestCase
    public function testMyFunction() : void
        echo '<div>Test</div>';

Mock static method

The TestCase::mockStaticMethod() function will mock a static method on a class, via Patchwork, returning a Mockery object.

use WP_Mock\Tools\TestCase as TestCase;

final class MyTestCase extends TestCase
    public function testMyFunction() : void
        $mock = $this->mockStaticMethod('MyClass', 'myStaticMethod');
        $this->assertEquals('test', MyClass::myStaticMethod());

Access inaccessible class members

The following methods can be used to access methods or properties of classes that are inaccessible (private or protected), using Reflection:

Get or invoke an inaccessible method

Use the following methods to get and invoke an inaccessible (private or protected) method from a class through ReflectionMethod:

use WP_Mock\Tools\TestCase as TestCase;

final class MyTestCase extends TestCase
    public function testMyFunction() : void
        $class = new MyClass();
        // myMethod() is private or protected - this will return a ReflectionMethod object
        $method = $this->getInaccessibleMethod($class, 'myMethod');
        // will invoke MyClass::myMethod()
        // shortcut method to consolidate the above in a single call (assumes this method returns a string)
        $this->assertEquals('test', $this->invokeInaccessibleMethod($class, 'myMethod'));

Handle inaccessible properties

Similar to the methods above, there is a similar collection of test methods that will use ReflectionProperty to manipulate inaccessible (private or protected) class properties:

use WP_Mock\Tools\TestCase as TestCase;

final class MyTestCase extends TestCase
    public function testMyProperty() : void
        $class = MyClass();
        // $myProperty is private or protected - this will return a ReflectionProperty object
        $property = $this->getInaccessibleProperty($class, 'myProperty');
        // invoke MyClass::$myProperty 
        $this->assertEquals('foo', $property->getValue($class));
        // shortcut method to consolidate the above in a single call
        $this->assertEquals('foo', $this->getInaccessiblePropertyValue($class, 'myProperty'));
        // set MyClass::$myProperty to 'bar'
        $this->setInaccessibleProperty($class, get_class($class), 'myProperty', 'bar');
        // shortcut for the above
        $this->setInaccessiblePropertyValue($class, 'myProperty', 'bar');

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